Mental Health with Meredith Mickelson
by Malibu Sports Club
We asked Meredith, how do you prioritize your mental health?
"I prioritize my mental health with a lot of things, I think first is admitting to yourself what is going on. I take a lot of walks and listen to Kid Cudi, my life saver.
I would say, I like to read and kinda just keep my mind occupied, I feel like when I'm learning and constantly stimulated I feel like it helps with mental health a lot. Also admitting to myself if I am sad or have bad anxiety and kinda sitting in my feelings and accepting it and you know you grow from the low times and I know it sounds cheesy but you definitely come very far out of those moments and it helps you reach your high and all the substance you gain from going through all those things so as depressing or anxious as you may be I honestly think it shapes you as a human be and It helps you relate to what people who go through the same thing."